
Wij delen graag onze passie voor muziek.

Tailor-made arrangements for close harmony groups?

Tailor-made arrangements for close harmony groups?

Tailor-made arrangements for close harmony groups?   New arrangements for various ensembles. When you are conductiong a choir, singing in one, when you have an ensemble with a very particular line-up, you will recognize the following: An ensemble member or a singer...

everything is stopped again

everything is stopped again

And so everything came to a halt, again…   positive effects In the first lockdown, last spring, all professionals in the arts were shocked. It was hard to believe that all would be cancelled and closed....

A concert to finish three choral workshops

A concert to finish three choral workshops

At November 3rd we hosted a concert, concluding a series of three workshop weekends in Hünfeld (Germany). In the first two workshops we primarily focussed on the personal development of each choir singer and soloist. But in this final weekend the concert and preparing...

performance and corona, how to do it?

performance and corona, how to do it?

performance...?  Everything is cancelled. Especially for small ensembles or solo singers, who love the small stages and concert halls, it is a sad year. So, singers we will have to re-invent ourselves. We shouldn’t focus on the impossiblities and cling tot he...

A Concert to finish three choral workshops

A Concert to finish three choral workshops

At November 3rd we hosted a concert, concluding a series of three workshop weekends in Hünfeld (Germany). In the first two workshops we primarily focussed on the personal development of each choir singer and soloist. But in this final weekend the concert and preparing...

Workshop JuMuNetzwerk

Workshop JuMuNetzwerk

I just returned home from an intensive weekend of workshops fort he JuMuNet (Youth Music Network) in Hünfeld, Germany. On Saturday and Sunday, John and I have been working on concert pieces from three different musicals: Porgy and Bess, West Side Story and the Lion...

Concert Darmon Meader Hammond-kwartet

Concert Darmon Meader Hammond-kwartet

Yesterday I saw a concert by the Darmon Meader Hammond Quartett at the Music Village in Brussels (Belgium). Darmon Meader is the leader/arranger of the “New York Voices”, the world’s most famous vocal jazz quartett. I was anxious to listen what he had to say!...